
History, Culture, Philosophy
















Politics & Ideology
The IMF & World Bank – Two of Several Instruments of National Destruction

When an IMF mission goes into a country and requires the destruction of social and economic institutions as a condition for lending money - this is very similar to the physical destruction caused by NATO bombing. The IMF will order the closing down of hospitals, schools and factories. >>>

`Worse than a scandal` The Truth about Depleted Uranium (by Robert Fisk)

JUST FOURTEEN months ago, on a bleak, frosty afternoon, I stopped my car beside an old Ottoman bridge in southern Kosovo. It was here, scarcely half a year earlier, that Nato jets had bombed a convoy of Albanian refugees, ripping scores of them to pieces in the surrounding fields. Their jets, I knew, had been firing depleted uranium rounds. And now, on the very spot east of Djakovica where a bomb had torn apart an entire refugee family in a tractor, five Italian Kfor soldiers had built a little checkpoint. Indeed, their armoured vehicle was actually standing on part of the crater in the road.>>>

The True Soldiers of God (by Wojciech Slowianski)

In the Islamic world, the word ‘Mujehadeen’ means a Soldier of God, or a Holy Warrior. The term became famous during the conflict in Afghanistan, when radical Islamic forces defeated the weak pro-Soviet government. Regardless of the Afghan government's alliances, it showed promise as being the only way for Afghanistan to pull itself into the 20th century, with a true government.>>>

Putin's Gambit

After the destruction of the "Evil Empire" "democratic regime" who was lead by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kozyrev was in a hurry to announce the so called Cold War, which starting in 1945 was calming down or restarting with a new force in between the western democratic countries and the USSR, was over. >>>








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